Can you execute this statement in the editor? Supply bind values for one of the tables. From the Options page turn on the command panel (Environment | Grid ). This will give you a panel in the editor that give you execution elapse time. Let me know the elapsed time.
Select tabs.table_name, tabs.owner, tabs.cluster_name
, partitioned, iot_type Iot_Type
, TEMPORARY, table_type, table_type_owner
, tablespace_name
, last_analyzed
, Dropped
, nvl(
decode(Temporary, ‘Y’, 'Temporary ') ||
decode(Partitioned, ‘YES’, 'Partitioned ') ||
ltrim(nvl(IOT_Type, ’ ') || ’ ') ||
decode (Nested, ‘YES’, 'Nested ') ||
decode(nvl(buffer_pool, ‘x’) || upper(partitioned) || nvl(iot_type, ‘x’), ‘xNOx’, 'External ') ||
trim(decode(nvl(cluster_name, ‘xYx’), ‘xYx’, ’ ', 'Cluster ')) ||
trim(decode(nvl(table_type, ‘xYx’), ‘xYx’, ’ ', ‘Object’))
, ‘Standard’) type1
, decode(nvl(buffer_pool, ‘x’) || upper(partitioned) || nvl(iot_type, ‘x’), ‘xNOx’, ‘YES’, ‘NO’) is_External
from sys.DBA_ALL_TABLES tabs
where tabs.owner = :f1 and (iot_type IS NULL OR iot_type = ‘IOT’)
order by tabs.table_name