Hi Aci,
Toad for Oracle will attempt to initialize the dialog to the directory of the last file accessed from within Toad. If you’re working from an imaged installation of Toad, it may be referencing this path from the original installation.
The last used directory is stored in your Toad.ini file. Exit Toad and open up this file. Inside, you may find “\<share>$” as the value for the SQL_PATH key. If you remove that value and restart Toad, that should fix your problem.
From: Aci Polajnar [mailto:bounce-acip_296@toadworld.com]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 5:36 AM
To: toadoracle@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Open/Save problem in TOAD Editor
Open/Save problem in TOAD Editor
Thread created by Aci Polajnar
When I try to open a file with TOAD Editor, it always try to list \<share>$ first , but I do not have permission there.
I get an error message “Windows cannot access \<share>$. You do not have permission…”
The same happens with “Save As” option. In both cases, after while, I get the directory list and I can continue but most
of the time my TOAD freeze.
What and where should I try?
Thank you and best regards!
Oracle 11gR2 on AIX Unix
TOAD 12.1 ( +patch )
Windows XP…
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