Option problem: Desktop SQL o PLSQL

Toad (64b) Windows 10 (64b)

Good day !
In the program edition screen It is not respecting what I have configured for the "Desktop SQL" Option. When I change tab to modify a function or procedure (extension fnc or prc) that is configured as "Desktop PLSQL"

That happens when I hit the window "Pop-out Windows"

Configuration of "Desktop SQL":
DataGrid and other windows are docked

Configuration of "Desktop PLSQL":
DataGrid and other windows are undocked

I think I understand what you're saying or I found something else in the process, but is this what you are reporting? When loading a prc (or fnc) file that should set the PL/SQL desktop, the actual desktop loaded is for SQL?

Sometimes it comes out as you say and sometimes the opposite.
(An fnc, prc, etc file is shown in the SQL view and sometimes a .sql file is seen in the PLSQL view)

Good evening !
I have been able to reproduce the problem:

Step 1: Open several "sql" and "plsql" files in several tabs of the same editor
Step 2: Open a PLSQL file (Example procedure.prc)
Step 3: Move the last tab and place it on the left. Until now everything is correct.
Step 4: Go to any "sql" tab and the "Desktop SQL" will have been deconfigured

Screens with configuration other than DESKTOP SQL and PLSQL

Screens showing the deconfiguration of DESKTOP SQL

Good day !
Could you replicate the problem?

Yes. I will log it.

Good Morning !

To tell them that the problem continues:

1.- Add multiple SQL tabs and then add a TXT file
2.- I moved the tab of the TXT to the left and it is disfigured again.

Toad 64b / win10

Do you have a solution for it? It seems there are situations when Toad does not apply the preconfigured desktop style to the current tab of Editor.

@ccevallos This is fixed in the current beta. You can get it here

@urban.tamas If you can't use the beta, then in 14.1, as a workaround, you could:

  1. If desktops are currently not right, make them how you like them (possibly by rt-click on desktops and choose "restore desktop defaults"
  2. Make a copy of SQL desktop by first selecting SQL desktop, then click the "Save Desktop" button and give it a different name.
  3. Then switch back to SQL Desktop.
  4. Now, if SQL desktop gets messed up, you can load the desktop created in step 2, then re-save it as SQL Desktop.

14.2 will be an official version in about a month.

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