We use direct connection in TOAD.
Below please find the contents (with some values redacted) of our %ORACLE_HOME%\NETWORK\ADMIN*.ora files.
The sqlnet.ora lines I changed are commented out with “###”
Title: listener.ora
Description: Oracle database-level configuration file.
Tokens in the configured file (e.g. $ORACLE BASE) are replaced by
system-specific values at the point of install by the installer.
CIS Ref numbers refer to document:
Security Configuration Benchmark for Oracle Database Server 11g v1.1.0, Dec 31,2011.
Renamed listener, with non-default port.
This requires an ‘alias’ entry in tnsnames.ora, and a local_listener setting in the spfile.
CIS ref 2.11, 2.06
aaaaaaa_lsnr =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)(PORT = iiii))
Static registration of the database. CIS Ref 4.42
SID_LIST_aaaaaaa_lsnr =
(SID_NAME = aaaaaaa)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1)
ExtProcs not used, and therefore disabled.
If required, DLLs must be specifically listed in the ENVS entry. CIS Ref 4.43
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1)
#Protect the listener.
Prevent unauthorized admin of the listener.
This setting may be legacy from 9i security, but
is mandated by the CIS benchmark. CIS ref 4.13
Local OS authentication is the default.
With this enabled, the status security line includes “Local OS authentication”
The DBA user can control the listener without a password.
If this is turned off, and no password set, any remote user can control
the listener without a password.
So we enforce the default:
‘set password’ and ‘save_config’ result in the following line.
This requires the correct password to control the listener.
The listener status security includes “Password”
However this then allows remote admin of the listener.
So by keeping LOCAL_OS_AUTH, and not using a password,
we prevent any remote admin of the listener.
CIS Ref 2.08
#PASSWORDS_aaaaaaa_lsnr = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CIS ref 4.19
CIS ref 3.21, 3.22
TRACE_DIRECTORY_aaaaaaa_lsnr = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\trace
TRACE_FILE_aaaaaaa_lsnr = listener.trc
log listener commands. CIS ref 3.19, 3.20
LOG_DIRECTORY_aaaaaaa_lsnr = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\log
LOG_FILE_aaaaaaa_lsnr = aaaaaaa_lsnr.log
log all listener admin activity. CIS ref 4.14
remote admin requests only allowed over secure transport. CIS ref 4.39
SECURE_CONTROL_aaaaaaa_lsnr = IPC
admin requests only allowed over secure transport. CIS ref 4.40
SECURE_PROTOCOL_aaaaaaa_lsnr = TCP
registration requests only allowed over secure transport. CIS ref 4.41
SECURE_REGISTER_aaaaaaa_lsnr = IPC
Only allow known, preconfigured databases to be linked to this listener. CIS ref 4.42
Title: sqlnet.ora
Description: Oracle database-level configuration file.
Tokens in the configured file (e.g. $ORACLE BASE) are replaced by
system-specific values at the point of install by the installer.
CIS Ref numbers refer to document:
Security Configuration Benchmark for Oracle Database Server 11g v1.1.0, Dec 31,2011.
Default Auth Services on Windows is NTS.
NONE seems to be required for running the Oracle services as user oramgr.
NONE also blocks oramgr from using ‘sqlplus / as sysdba’, so that all users
must supply a password.
Ensure trace files are in directories owned by the oracle user. CIS ref 3.17, 3.18
trace_directory_client= C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\trace
trace_directory_server= C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\trace
Ensure log files are in directories owned by the oracle user. CIS ref 3.15, 3.16
log_directory_client= C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\log
log_directory_server= C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\log
limit the Db connection requests to those from systems on
the current configuration. CIS ref 4.20, 4.21
TODO tcp.validnode_checking = YES
invited nodes list: localhost, clientname, clientname,…
1. “localhost” must be in the list
3. client names must exist in the server’s hosts.dat file (but don’t need to be switched on)
4. Hosts should be identified by IP address for increased security.
5. the value ‘localhost’ is expected by the deploy_ora.xml ant script.
This must remain as the first entry. deploy_ora will include the server
IP address on first run, and will maintain the existing entries on subsequent runs.
NOTE: The DB Server IP address seems to have to be in the list for local connections
made via the listener.
Set a timeout on making the initial connection. CIS REF 4.23
sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout = 3
Expire idle connections. CIS REF 4.24
sqlnet.expire_time = 30
Enforce use of higher security 11g client only. CIS ref 4.27
Oracle Net Services Administrator’s Guide 11gR2 states;
Releases of OCI clients before Oracle Database 10g and all versions of JDBC thin clients
cannot authenticate to the Oracle database using password-based authentication
The client must support certain abilities of an authentication protocol before the server will authenticate.
If the client does not support a specified authentication ability, then the server rejects the connection
with an ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol error message.
so specify the default of 8 to allow servers to connect
#sqlnet.allowed_logon_version = 11
sqlnet.allowed_logon_version = 8
Make an audit-warning banner available to client connections. CIS ref 4.37
Make an unauthorized-access warning banner available to client connections. CIS ref 4.38
OAS configuration is mandated by CIS chapter 5
However, it is not in use here, so the configuration is set, but not described.
sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server left as default, to allow logins.
CIS refs 5.02 - 5.06
###sqlnet.encryption_server = required
###sqlnet.encryption_client = required
###sslfips_14 = true
#sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server = required
sqlnet.crypto_checksum_client = required
sqlnet.crypto_checksum_types_server = (sha1)
SSL configuration, if used.
CIS refs 5.13, 5.16, 5.25, 5.26
ssl_version = 3.0
ssl_cipher_suites = ssl_rsa_with_3des_ede_cbc_sha
ssl_client_authentication = false
ssl_cert_revocation = required
ssl_server_dn_match = yes
Title: tnsnames.ora
Description: Oracle database-level configuration file.
Tokens in the configured file (e.g. $ORACLE BASE) are replaced by
system-specific values at the point of install by the installer.
CIS Ref numbers refer to document:
Security Configuration Benchmark for Oracle Database Server 11g v1.1.0, Dec 31,2011.
No TNS entry, as all software connections use direct access via JDBC.
While these connections are still made via the listener, there is no TNS lookup.
Local sqlplus connections & scripts will use the Bequeath adapter (i.e. connect without the ‘@SID’
service name)
The default extproc entry is removed, as external procedure calls are not currently used.
Turning off extproc access removes a potential security exploit.
Although Oracle Security Alert 57 (244523.1) has been fixed in 10g,
others may appear in future.
Java functions are built directly into Oracle, and are not called via extproc.
CIS ref 4.30
Alias for the renamed Listener.
CIS Ref 2.05
A renamed listener (not the default: LISTENER) is also required to use a non-default port number.
aaaaaaa_LSNR =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)(PORT = iiii))
From: Lukas Knapek [mailto:bounce-LukasKnapek@toadworld.com]
Sent: 30 January 2015 09:02
To: tdm@toadworld.com
Subject: RE: [Toad Data Modeler - Discussion Forum] Oracle connection failed: ORA-03113
RE: Oracle connection failed: ORA-03113
Reply by Lukas Knapek
If native connection works, I would recommend you to use it instead. Toad and SQLPlus do not use TCP/IP connection, which is essentially connection without using Oracle client. However, it should still work in all cases.
We would like to reproduce your issue, could you provide us with some more information? What specific sqlnet.encryption parameter have you commented out? Did the error start appearing after upgrading to a newer version of TDM, or did you start using another database?
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