package replacement

I am a beginner.
I use Toad for Oracle 9.5
I changed some procedures in a package in the db of development environment.
Now, I wish to substitute the same old package in the db of test environment
with the new-modificated package of the db of development environment.
So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and pks files ?

View this message in context:
Sent from the TOAD mailing list archive at

Morning Leo,

I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
development environment.
So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
pks files ?

if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.

The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
new package and body into the currently connected database.

Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a release/patch
kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in the
"official" manner.


Norm. [TeamT]

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This is the easiest way if you are using the PKB and PKS files:

Start your test environment, load the saved files in the editor and execute them
(using F9 if you are using the default Toad options).

If you have changed the security on the packages you must redo those changes by

What I sometimes do is to open a connection to both the development and test
environment. Open the packages in the development environment. Change the
connection in the editor to the test environment (change session for this window
button) and execute. Do this first for the header and then for the body.

But in the past I had problems with this procedure. It is easy to forget what
the currrent session is, even if you are using colors for your session.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 09:22, lampione wrote:

I am a beginner.
I use Toad for Oracle 9.5
I changed some procedures in a package in the db of development environment.

Now, I wish to substitute the same old package in the db of test environment

with the new-modificated package of the db of development environment.
So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and pks files ?

View this message in context:
Sent from the TOAD mailing list archive at

Nice idea, using a change control system for this. What system are you using? I
guess there are article to be found for this. Time to h

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:32, Dunbar, Norman wrote:

Morning Leo,

I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
development environment.


So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
pks files ?

if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.

The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
new package and body into the currently connected database.

Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a release/patch
kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in the
"official" manner.


Norm. [TeamT]

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Hi Wim,

Nice idea, using a change control system for this. What
system are you using? I guess there are article to be found
for this. Time to h

We have to register an RFC (Request For Change) with eight hundred
million pages of information (almost) - much of it duplicated - as to
why we want to make a change to our Change Control people any time we
wish to make the slightest change to a test or production environment.
We have to consult with eighty five different departments to get their
approval for the change - even if it doesn't actually affect them at all

  • and when all of that is done and dusted, we get approval to go ahead.
    Providing all I's are correctly dotted and all T's are correctly

The process is allegedly called ITIL but I suspect we have chosen which
parts of ITIL that we implement and how we implement it.

See for gory details! :wink:

Norm. [TeamT]

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hallo friends Norman and Wim,
I followed your suggestion:
"if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key. "
The package is now replaced.


  1. I didn't find "change session for this window button"
  2. I don't know "change control system", there is here a versioning system
    but not for db

However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.

Dunbar, Norman-2 wrote:

Morning Leo,

I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
development environment.
So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
pks files ?

if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.

The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
new package and body into the currently connected database.

Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a release/patch
kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in the
"official" manner.


Norm. [TeamT]

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Hey Norm,

“… signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found,
subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for
three months and recycled as firelighters.”

Hmm… Sounds ominously familiar… Do you hear any poetry where you
work??? J


Ah, that blog entry. I've read that before. I thought you mentioned version
control, but this is indeed worse.

The good part of such a system, is that if something goes wrong, you could blame
everyone else. Not? On the other hand, nothing can goes wrong because nothing


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 13:06, Dunbar, Norman wrote:

Hi Wim,

Nice idea, using a change control system for this. What
system are you using? I guess there are article to be found
for this. Time to h

We have to register an RFC (Request For Change) with eight hundred
million pages of information (almost) - much of it duplicated - as to
why we want to make a change to our Change Control people any time we
wish to make the slightest change to a test or production environment.
We have to consult with eighty five different departments to get their
approval for the change - even if it doesn't actually affect them at all

- and when all of that is done and dusted, we get approval to go ahead.
Providing all I's are correctly dotted and all T's are correctly

The process is allegedly called ITIL but I suspect we have chosen which
parts of ITIL that we implement and how we implement it.

See for gory details! ;-)

Norm. [TeamT]

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Change session for this window: grey button of a plug. It is to the left of a
button with the text SQL. That is in my Toad version where it is located.

It should be possible to use a version control system together with Toad, but I
haven’t tried it myself. Someone else to jump in with some good references
(I know they exists, the question came up before).


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 14:26, lampione wrote:

hallo friends Norman and Wim,
I followed your suggestion:

"if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key. "

The package is now replaced.

1) I didn't find "change session for this window button"
2) I don't know "change control system", there is here a
versioning system
but not for db

However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.

Dunbar, Norman-2 wrote:
> Morning Leo,
>>> I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
>>> development environment.
>>> So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
>>> Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
>>> pks files ?
> if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
> you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
> files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.
> The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
> new package and body into the currently connected database.
> Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
> location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a release/patch
> kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
> change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in the
> “official” manner.
> Cheers,
> Norm. [TeamT]
> Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally
> privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify
> the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else. We
> have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should
> still check any attachment before opening it. We may have to make this
> message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of
> Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages
> and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be

> accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business
> purposes. If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please
> read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506

> 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at
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> privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify
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> We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should

> still check any attachment before opening it.
> We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to
> under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for
> litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any
> Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the
> sender or recipient, for business purposes.
> If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our
> terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506.
> Find out more about the Environment Agency at

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Hi John,

Hmm... Sounds ominously familiar... Do you hear any poetry where
you work??? :slight_smile:

Strangely enough, I do. At the moment I have Marillion (Season's End) on
the head phones! It's like poetry, but with music attached.

Norm. [TeamT]

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Hi Leo,

The package is now replaced.

  1. I didn't find "change session for this window button"
    The button is there, it looks like a power lead with a plug attached.
    (US style of course!) click the down arrow beside it and choose from an
    existing connection, click the button itself to create a new connections
    and switch to it.
  1. I don't know "change control system", there is here a
    versioning system but not for db
    Change control is a necessary evil when applying changes to a production
    system,, but sometimes it gets beyond itself and takes on awesome
    powers! Version control should be used for all scripts, code and
    anything else relating to your databases. At least then you can revert a
    change without having to try and edit the file(s) back to the previous

Been there, had to do that - installed a version control system! :slight_smile:

However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.

Norm. [TeamT]

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else. We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it. We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes. If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at

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I found the button, sorry
I didn't know the possibility of changing connection

Wim de Lange wrote:

Change session for this window: grey button of a plug. It is to the left
a button with the text SQL. That is in my Toad version where it is

It should be possible to use a version control system together with Toad,
but I haven't tried it myself. Someone else to jump in with some good
references (I know they exists, the question came up before).


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 14:26, lampione wrote:

hallo friends Norman and Wim,
I followed your suggestion:

"if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key. "
The package is now replaced.


  1. I didn't find "change session for this window button"
  2. I don't know "change control system", there is here a versioning
    but not for db

However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.

Dunbar, Norman-2 wrote:

Morning Leo,

I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
development environment.
So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
pks files ?

if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.

The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
new package and body into the currently connected database.

Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a
kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in
"official" manner.


Norm. [TeamT]

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tks Norm, I understood "change control" and "version control".
I shall inform about db situation in order of this

Dunbar, Norman-2 wrote:

Hi Leo,

The package is now replaced.

  1. I didn't find "change session for this window button"
    The button is there, it looks like a power lead with a plug attached.
    (US style of course!) click the down arrow beside it and choose from an
    existing connection, click the button itself to create a new connections
    and switch to it.
  1. I don't know "change control system", there is here a
    versioning system but not for db
    Change control is a necessary evil when applying changes to a production
    system,, but sometimes it gets beyond itself and takes on awesome
    powers! Version control should be used for all scripts, code and
    anything else relating to your databases. At least then you can revert a
    change without having to try and edit the file(s) back to the previous

Been there, had to do that - installed a version control system! :slight_smile:

However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.

Norm. [TeamT]

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We have to register an RFC ... much of it duplicated...

We have a document like that ourselves. I've always wondered why the
apparent need for document duplication. In our case, the objects being
changed show up in three different sections.

As a quick side-note: I've currently got far too many new developers to
help train so they properly populate the document. It's a little hard
to pick the right version of which object when:
a) the object is not identified
b) the version is not identified

Ah well.... such situations always end up getting smoothed out
eventually.... then we hire a bunch of new staff :wink:


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I know, “when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail,” but
when your primary tool is Toad, a lot of problems look solvable. Can you create
a change document generator, that (a) dup licates the duplicate information
painlessly, and (b) requires the required information? I ’ m imagining a
PL/SQL procedure (or, if you can ’ t save it in the database, an anonymous
PL/SQL block stored in a script file everyone has read access to) that takes
VARCHAR2 parameters su ch as object name, object version, and whatever else is
needed (change number, change title, description, justification, … ); and
then generates the change control document, fully formatted (as much as
possible) as DBMS_OUTPUT. So a developer runs this procedu re, passes the
required information (once), and cuts and pastes the output into the change
control system?

Nate Schroeder

IT Commercial Technical Services - Data Management Team

Monsanto Company

800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. G3WI - Saint Louis, MO - 63167


Can you create a change document generator, that...

Certainly we could. After all... most good developers are problem
solvers. However, there are a few problems:

a) The document is owned by the business
b) The document is controlled by the business
c) The business sees no value in changing the document
d) the document was created by an external consultant (MS Word with
plugins and behind-the-scenes code)

In short, the problem(s) can be summed up as: political.



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Morning all,

Change Control - one of my favourite rants! :wink:

However, there are a few problems:

a) The document is owned by the business
b) The document is controlled by the business
c) The business sees no value in changing the document
d) the document was created by an external consultant (MS Word with
plugins and behind-the-scenes code)

In short, the problem(s) can be summed up as: political.

In a word, correct! Change Control, like Unions and Health & Safety had
their uses - years ago. They are now almost, but not completely,
irrelevant, so they produce "rules" to justify their own position in the
workplace - and simply become a barrier to change rather than a change
control. Change is inevitable, but CC don't want changes to happen.

I wonder, he said - desperate to get back on topic, if there could be a
future Toad with a Change Control module? It would work in a similar way
to normal change control departments - it sits there and decided, all by
itself, how something will be done regardless of the workability of said


Norm. [TeamT]

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if there could be a future Toad with a Change Control module?
It would work in a similar way to normal change control departments

  • it sits there and decided, all by itself, how something will be
    done regardless of the workability of said decision.

Heh, don't MS products do that?

Sorry, couldn't resist!


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