Change session for this window: grey button of a plug. It is to the left of a
button with the text SQL. That is in my Toad version where it is located.
It should be possible to use a version control system together with Toad, but I
haven’t tried it myself. Someone else to jump in with some good references
(I know they exists, the question came up before).
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 14:26, lampione wrote:
hallo friends Norman and Wim,
I followed your suggestion:
"if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key. "
The package is now replaced.
1) I didn't find "change session for this window button"
2) I don't know "change control system", there is here a
versioning system
but not for db
However I am satisfacted, for me it's enought.
many tks.
Dunbar, Norman-2 wrote:
> Morning Leo,
>>> I changed some procedures in a package in the db of
>>> development environment.
>>> So, in development I saved package (pkb and pks files).
>>> Now, how can I replace in Toad the test package with pkb and
>>> pks files ?
> if you saved the pks and pkb files from your developmentdatabase, then
> you simply need to connect to the test database, open the pks and pkb
> files in the editor then execute them with the F9 key.
> The CREATE or REPLACE package or package body lines will compile the
> new package and body into the currently connected database.
> Alternatively, if you have a Change Control system in place at your
> location, you should supply the scripts (pks and pkb) as a release/patch
> kit with release notes and application instructions, go through the
> change process, and have the scripts applied to the test database in the
> “official” manner.
> Cheers,
> Norm. [TeamT]
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