Unable to re-create packages without dropping them first

In Toad for Oracle Base Version, if a package already exists in the database then it is not possible to run a script that does a “create or replace package”. I have to drop the existing package first, which also drops all the grants. How can I fix this?

Do you get an Oracle error message? If so, what is the message?

I agree with John and ask same thought in another way.

Did you try to make (run) same script in Oracle SQL*Plus?

I assume you’ll suffer the same problem, because I haven’t seen such a problem in Toad which is not related to core Oracle based problem, what is not a Toad problem.

Another issue come to mine mind…

Does package do DML? Does COMMIT exist inside package.
Oracle prevent a package from being re-compiled when existing DML changes exist. You must either COMMIT or ROLLBACK in order for recompile to proceed & succeed.

Last but not least problem is that you run into some oracle bug, which without exact Oracle version and OS info, cannot be determined.

In every case assume not a Toad issue.



The same script works form SQL*Plus. From TOAD neither F9 nor F5 keys work or give any error message. My Oracle version is “Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production” running on AIX. Maybe there is some TOAD setting that needs tweaking?

From TOAD neither F9 nor F5 keys work or give any error message

Then what did it do? How do you know it didn't work? Are you saying the F5 and F9 keys did nothing? If so, it sounds like the Editor is not connected to any database. Did you open the Editor before making your connection? Make the connection first, then open the Editor.

Is Team Coding enabled on your database?

On 12/06/2013 10:07 AM, achojar wrote:

RE: Unable to re-create packages without dropping them first

Reply by achojar
The same script works form SQL*Plus. From TOAD neither F9 nor F5 keys work or give any error message. My Oracle version is "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production" running on AIX. Maybe there is some TOAD setting that
needs tweaking?

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if he is not connected he cannot drop the package either … or he/she is drop package differently … or I’m missing something now …


However until we see the script no help …

Team coding was the problem. Once I un-installed it the issue got resolved.

It is possible that Team Coding was simply doing what it was designed to do. Most likely it might have been enough to ‘Check out’ the objects before attempting
to edit them.

I am just adding this information, because uninstalling Team Coding could be a very blunt instrument to use if other users are on the system or the database
is supposed to be controlled by Team Coding.

From: achojar [mailto:bounce-achojar@toadworld.com]

Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 2:26 PM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Unable to re-create packages without dropping them first

RE: Unable to re-create packages without dropping them first

Reply by achojar

Team coding was the problem. Once I un-installed it the issue got resolved.

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In this case I simply do not need Team Coding. I am working on my own development database with no other users but me using it.

Thanks for the information though.