Quick Export: Excel Issue/Idea


I can't seem to submit a new idea to the Idea Pond, the button is there but clicking it does nothing. Anyhow, if this issue has already been documented feel free to delete this post.

Annoyance really - when using the quick export feature and selecting Active Instance of Excel as your target, the list of excel targets is being cluttered with otherwise "hidden" roaming profile instances that I don't believe anyone is actually intended to select:

Any chance the instance harvesting methods could be tweaked to ignore workbooks coming out of places like /Excel/XLSTART/ ? Should solve both the Roaming and Local instances.

Steps to reproduce (in my case)

  1. Run a query via Editor that outputs any result set.
  2. Right click on the result-set grid, select Quick Export > **Excel Instance **> **Excel Instance at Active Cell **(or any of those 3 choices, really)
  3. Dialog box pictured above appears, which includes active opened workbooks, but also includes roaming and local profile personal.xlsb instances.

To iRonin:

Thank you for posting in Toad World!

I'm sorry to hear that the button doesn't appear to be working. I wasn't able to reproduce your "Submit a New Idea" issue, but try these direct links to post the suggestion under your name!

Automation: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Connections: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

General: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Import/Export: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Object Explorer / Database Explorer: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Other: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Query Builder: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Sql Editor: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Or you can try submitting it the old fashioned way again. I used Google Chrome 42.0.2311.135

Software Developer I,

  • Joshua Liong

It's all good, I figured it was some kind of Chrome or Java incompatibility issue. At first i was navigating the pages within the "Web" embedded tab within DataPoint itself and it was doing something similar... I would click "Submit New Idea" and I would hear the audible browser "Click"....but the page would just refresh to the same layout with the All Ideas section and no visible "form" for me to fill out.

So I took the URL and just pasted it out to the browser itself (Chrome) and it was doing the same thing. I could see the button, hear the 'click' but the page would just refresh.

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Joshua Liong bounce-JoshuaLiong@toadworld.com wrote:

RE: Quick Export: Excel Issue/Idea

Reply by Joshua Liong
To iRonin:

Thank you for posting in Toad World!

I'm sorry to hear that the button doesn't appear to be working. I wasn't able to reproduce your "Submit a New Idea" issue, but try these direct links to post the suggestion under your name!

Automation: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Connections: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

General: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Import/Export: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Object Explorer / Database Explorer: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Other: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Query Builder: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Sql Editor: www.toadworld.com/.../create.aspx

Or you can try submitting it the old fashioned way again. I used Google Chrome 42.0.2311.135

Software Developer I,

  • Joshua Liong

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  • Ronin

Did this ever get resolved? I also would like some options to ignore these files. I have my xlsb file showing, but I also have all my add-in files showing up. With just one workbook I now have 9 files showing, 1 is the xlsb, 7 add-ins xlam files, and the actual data workbook I need an xlsm file. In addition, it seems that Toad opens another blank Excel window when exporting. Thank you so much.