removing objects from Team Coding


I deleted a table but it is still showing up under Team Coding > Check-in all.

Is there a way to delete the entry from Team Coding?



Hi Marie,

If the table object is still listed in the Team Coding Manager, you should be able to right-click the table, and then go to Advanced -> Remove from Team Coding. If it’s not, then simply close Toad and reopen it. That should make sure it no longer appears in the Check-in All dialog.


On Jun 7, 2017, at 4:31 PM, mguie wrote:

removing objects from Team Coding

Thread created by mguie

I deleted a table but it is still showing up under Team Coding > Check-in all.

Is there a way to delete the entry from Team Coding?



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Hi John,

I closed and reopen and that took care of it.

Now I have a view that I am not able to check-in. When I go to check it in, it doesn’t seem to “take”.

Any suggestion on that?



From: John Bowman []

Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 9:35 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] removing objects from Team Coding

RE: removing objects from Team Coding

Reply by John Bowman

Hi Marie,

If the table object is still listed in the Team Coding Manager, you should be able to right-click the table, and then go to Advanced -> Remove from Team Coding. If it’s not, then simply close Toad and reopen it. That should make sure it no longer appears in the Check-in All dialog.


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