I just started working on generating reports through TOAD but I can’t seem to include data from different Data Sets. Does anyone knows if this is possible?
Thank you!
How are you trying to integrate the different data sets? Do you want to draw a relationship between the multiple data sets? Or just show two data sets independently in the same report?
Well, actually there is this one report where I only want to show the list of loans with a certain LOAN_ID, but I would need the total portfolio (which has a special/distinctive LOAN_ID) to compute the percentage, but I don’t think it is possible to work or impose conditions on the same set of results, so I thought of getting first the numbers for the total portfolio and the add a computed field in my report.
I am finding the Report generator a bit confusing :S
Hi I want to just show two data sets independently in the same report? I am having trouble doing so. For example: one table is summary data by month, and the other table is summary data by year. Your answer is greatly appreciated!
Yup! Same here… I guess having the possibility to choose the “Set of results” on the right, you would be able to combine more than on query result, right?
OK, I’ve given up trying to join different data sets, so I have improved my initial query to be more comprehensive. But I’m not giving up on the TOAD reports. However, there is this special chart I need to do with the data for the last month ONLY. I know there is the option to filter the data for a specific date, but I want to use this report in an automation script. Is there a way to retrieve only the results for last month in the filter of the chart? Thank you
If ou are working with charts, run the designer and under “fields” you can choose the option of “TopValueCount” of your required field, to choose the last entry of your data. I am not sure if this solves you question.
It’s an approach I didn’t think of, but works great. Thanks!
I TDA 2.7 and older you cannot use more than one dataset in a data report. You can build a Master Detail query for grouped reports. To do this, build your query in the Mater Detail window off of the Tools menu. Then right click and send to data reports. You will see the columns have relationships in the field tool box. There is a sample report of this in the project manager.
In TDA 3.0 we have added the ability to merge multiple reports and also use multiple datasets. Below is a link describing what we have added. You can download the Beta to check it out.
See screenshot for where filtering is available in charts.
You might also try the date range feature in the Query Builder. This feature would add to your query at run time the date range for dates in the last month. This is handy for use in automating.
Thanks Debbie!
When is the v3 going to be released?
TDA 3.0 should release around the end of August.