Right click to view table data

Hi, prior to use Toad I used a program that permit to view table data from a query with a right click

Is it possible to achieve this with toad?

One way to do something similar in Toad:

  1. Put your cursor on the table name in the Editor
  2. Hit F4
  3. A "Describe" window will appear with all the details of the table.
  4. Go to the "Data" tab.

F4 works in most areas of Toad and you can use it on any type of object in the database.


Thanks a lot.

It’s just what I want.

I’m a newbie with Toad, but I use oracle since 1995.


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The TOAD F4 key is an extremely powerful tool. My non-DBA coworkers chose less expensive tools in a (misguided) effort to save money. They come to me when they need to quickly figure out Oracle Object relationships. I can find in seconds what can take minutes and hours using the other tools.

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Thanks Brian, that's what I like to hear!