Run as script fails, <F5>, but run statement and show all records, <F9>, suceeds

Good Morning TOAD Team,

    This is too weird.  I'm running the latest beta,  Run as script fails, <F5>, but run statement and show all records, <F9>, succeeds.   Full script attached as it is long.

    My usual timing script:

select to_char(SYSTIMESTAMP,‘HH24:MI:SSxFF’) as “Start” from dual;

/* Statement to tune */

Select …

select to_char(SYSTIMESTAMP,‘HH24:MI:SSxFF’) as “End” from dual;

    Run as script , <F5>, fails with the following error on the test script, but there is no error running the SQL under test <F9>:



1 row selected.

Error at line 16

An invalid character was found in text content.



1 row selected.
9130Full_original.sql (12.6 KB)