Hi all,
is there a way to use schema compare to diff database tables with different owners?
In my case I have multiple databases containing multiuple different schemas. For example I need to make a schema compare like this:
Source: [SERVER].databaseName.dbo.tableName
Target: [SERVER].databaseName.dbo2.tableName
The point is that i have the same database structure, same tables, etc. but the schemas are different. Is there a way to compare these without changing the owners?
Toad for SQL Server Schema Compare not support this case for now.
Hello, thanks for your answer. Since you mentioned the “for now”, do you think it could be added in some future update? I’m sure a lot of users would highly appretiate this feature.
Thank you
Hi Jiri
I will add a Feature request for this. Thank you for your feedback. I’d love to talk to you further to see how you use Toad for SQL Server, would you be open to having a 30 minute call with me?
Kathy Gibbs
Product Manager, Toad For SQL Server and Benchmark Factory
Dell | Dell Software
office +1 949 616 1731
mobile +1 303 882 3755