( SELECT 'Hello'
) as str
from Toad via the execute script option I get
ORA-01000: Maximum open cursors exceeded
Each separate row in DBA_OBJECTS is opening a cursor and eventually, you
run out of cursors.
When I run the same statement and bring it back in the grid
no problems. I'm doing this against an 11r1 database with Toad 10.1.
With F5 (Run as script) you are pulling back all results and thus, at
some point, blowing out the OPEN_CURESORS setting.
With F9 you only pull back the number of rows you have configured in
Toad's options. It is possible that your settings, like mine, are less
than the setting fro OPEN_CURSORS, however, try scrolling down the grid,
or clicking the "go to end" button and it will blow up as expected.
Norm. [TeamT]
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Argh! I thought I saw different behaviors. My mistake.
You mean I was right!
Norm. [TeamT]
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