Script runner takes forever to cancel


I’m on Toad Beta

When running a script using F5, hitting the Esc key cancels the script’s execution
and lets me resume editing.

Unfortunately, the script keeps running in the background it seems.
This is shown on the bottom line (Running), even though the moving
blocks at the lower right corner cease, indicating activity has stopped.

After some editing Toad freezes, e.g. when I issue a commit, a rollback,
or when I hit F5 again to restart execution. It usually takes 5 to 10 minutes
for Toad to unfreeze and resume normal execution.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this behavior from occurring?

Is it something that can be fixed in Toad itself?

It’s quite a nuisance. Right now I should be deploying.
In stead I’m waiting for Toad to unfreeze.
Not my favorite way of spending an evening at home :frowning:

Kind regards,
Abe Kornelis

A freeze like this is usually because we have to wait for Oracle to respond to your request.

On Jun 26, 2017, at 2:17 PM, kornelis.abe wrote:

Script runner takes forever to cancel

Thread created by kornelis.abe

I'm on Toad Beta

When running a script using F5, hitting the Esc key cancels the script's execution

and lets me resume editing.

Unfortunately, the script keeps running in the background it seems.

This is shown on the bottom line (Running), even though the moving

blocks at the lower right corner cease, indicating activity has stopped.

After some editing Toad freezes, e.g. when I issue a commit, a rollback,

or when I hit F5 again to restart execution. It usually takes 5 to 10 minutes

for Toad to unfreeze and resume normal execution.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this behavior from occurring?

Is it something that can be fixed in Toad itself?

It's quite a nuisance. Right now I should be deploying.

In stead I'm waiting for Toad to unfreeze.

Not my favorite way of spending an evening at home :frowning:

Kind regards,

Abe Kornelis


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this post as spam/abuse.

you must understand that internal oracle structures has something called “non interuptable processes” which are not possible to interrupt (break) inside Oracle env.

however, if you wrote your sql maybe we can see problem deeper.

FYI, SQL*Plus, original Oracle tool, can be cancelled only by “ctrl+c” which in many cases leads to disconnect session.

of course many depends on way to you connect, but let us focus on TNS classic way.