Sequence bug.. (multi use)

Heh, here’s an easy way to reproduce the bug.

  1. Create a model with two tables.
  2. Create a sequence.
  3. Each table have a integer field (of any name), and both tables uses the same sequence.
  4. Generate the DDL script
  5. run the ddl script.

The modeler creates the exact same name for all of the triggers created for the sequence … bug! :slight_smile:

Hello Shannara,

Thanks for your notification.
Just to better understand why you use the same sequence in two tables, could you please give us an example?

Thanks very much in advance.


Vladka + TDM Team

Sure thing :slight_smile:

I have three main tables, one for persons, and another for nonpersons, which we will call a “business” here. The third table is a crosswalk table. Now, we needed an identifier, that is not an SSN (due to Fed’s new laws this year), etc.

Thus we use a simple Oracle Integer. Now, since this number can represent either a person or a business, not both, AND cannot be duplicated. Ie, we cannot have a person with an ID of #1 and a business with an ID #1, we use a shared sequence :slight_smile:

Therefore, we have one sequence, listed in the crosswalk, and that # is listed in either the person or business table. So, to cap it off. We needed a unique identifier that can reference either a person or a business.

Thank you Shannara.
We will have a look at this issue. CR # 47 871.




Hi Shannara,

We’d like to ask you for co-operation on this issue. Please check out the Private Messages section for my message.
Thanks very much.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Vladka + TDM Team

Just a quick update - CR 47 871 has been resolved. The fix will be implemented in next Beta 3.2.1.

Thanks for your great co-operation!

