How can I resize the data grid?

My data grid is pinned to the application to where it covers up the sql in my editor. I can either click the X to close the grid, or click the pin button next to it to collapse the grid down to a tab that raises if I hover over it. It was not like this before a few days ago. I usually type my sql and then run the query. The grid will come up to about half of the screen, allowing to still see the code. I could also drag the top of it to resize if I wanted. I must have clicked something by mistake.

I am using Toad for Oracle 32 bit

It may be a bug with the new Toad version. I switched back to 12.11 and the problem seems to be fixed.

This is not a bug, Right Click on the data grid header then Desktop Panels and Configure desktop layout. On the desktop panels, change the dock site to from bottom to top then click ok.

Run a query.

Again Right Click on the data grid header then Desktop Panels and Configure desktop layout. On the desktop panels, change the dock site to from top to bottom then click ok.

Run a query and the size is ok.