I am using TOAD for SS 5.5 and would like to sort the object names in Database Explorer by object name, regardless of the schema. Currently, it sorts by schema and then by object name. Clicking the “Name” header only sorts the name within the schema.
In case it matters, I have the schema separated from the objects name and I am using the drop down method for viewing objects.
It also seems that I cannot get the schema back with the object name. In the Options under Explorer - General, there is no effect when I select “Sort list alphabetically when in drop-down mode” or “Separate schema or database by type (only for non treeview)”.
If I could sort the objects by Name and then by Schema, that would be great. TIA.
Michael, send me a private email and I will send you my work-around-script,
which is really helpful when you thousands of tables as an example…
Hank Freeman
Senior SQL Server DBA/Data & Systems Architect
678-414-0090 my cell Primary
hank.freeman50 via Skype
Michael, send me a private email and I will send you my work-around-script,
which is really helpful when you thousands of tables as an example…
Hank Freeman
Senior SQL Server DBA/Data & Systems Architect
678-414-0090 my cell Primary
hank.freeman50 via Skype
Thanks for the SQL script Hank and even better was the link to Neil’s question earlier in the forum, http://www.toadforsqlserver.com/thread.jspa?threadID=33199&tstart=0. It seems there may not be an answer for this if the developers changed the functionality in 5.5. So how do Neil and I get this functionality back? If no one else has a solution, I guess we put in support tickets. Thanks again.
Alex, Valentin, Gita !
Please see if this issue has an existing CR… If it does, please see if the
priority on same can be raised to be addressed either in an interim or point
release… If it does not exist, please get with Mike and Niel and see if it
can be formalized into a CR… I whole heartedly concur that this change in
functionality should not have been removed, so making it an option sound logical
and prudent.
Please see attached email for details on what has previously transpired.
Hank Freeman
Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect
678.414.0090 my cell Primary
Hank.Freeman50 (Skype)
email.eml (22 KB)
Alex, Valentin, Gita !
Please see if this issue has an existing CR… If it does, please see if the
priority on same can be raised to be addressed either in an interim or point
release… If it does not exist, please get with Mike and Niel and see if it
can be formalized into a CR… I whole heartedly concur that this change in
functionality should not have been removed, so making it an option sound logical
and prudent.
Please see attached email for details on what has previously transpired.
Hank Freeman
Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect
678.414.0090 my cell Primary
Hank.Freeman50 (Skype)
Alex, Valentin, Gita !
Please see if this issue has an existing CR… If it does, please see if the
priority on same can be raised to be addressed either in an interim or point
release… If it does not exist, please get with Mike and Niel and see if it
can be formalized into a CR… I whole heartedly concur that this change in
functionality should not have been removed, so making it an option sound logical
and prudent.
Please see attached email for details on what has previously transpired.
Hank Freeman
Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect
678.414.0090 my cell Primary
Hank.Freeman50 (Skype)
Thanks to Hank, there is at least a customer support request in to fix this problem.
Quest Case ID 932321
Just an update on this – current implementation was done by a users
request as well. But we will try to implement both ways of sorting (ignoring/not
ignoring schema) in upcoming release.
Thanks guys for your input!
Alexander Maximov
It would seem that if a user has selected to separate the schema into a separate column (as Hank just showed in a recent post), the sorting of the Name column should sort only what is in the Name column. I am not sure you would need another option, when that other option seems to indicate that choice. But it does not matter to me as long as I can sort by the Name column without the schema involved, or being a secondary sort order.
just an update: we do work on this request and I hope you’ll see results in next beta drop. Basicly saying you will be able to sort by object names if you have schemas in separate column option on - there are no additional options for sorting. Toad has tons of options and this one doesn’t really deserve to become the option.