Sort pick list alphabetically settings is ignored
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On 04/09/2015 02:53 AM, fisher_359 wrote:
Thread created by fisher_359
Sort pick list alphabetically settings is ignored
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Mostly fixed for, at least probably good 'nuff. Even with that option unchecked there is still sorting to put more likely items at the top (PL/SQL variables, expected tokens, tables and views). The remaining items are sorted alphabetically by object
type and then by name. So if the sorting option is checked all objects regardless of type are sorted by name alphabetically and sorting option unchecked groups by object type and sorts those groups and items within.
In this case with sorting unchecked I think you're looking for columns to appear as defined in the table so they are sorted by column_id field of X_tab_cols view. However, package members are not sorted by order of appearance within the DDL. I'll look later
if there's need.
On 04/09/2015 03:42 PM, fisher_359 wrote:
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