Sort "Workspace" list alphabetically

It gets really messy beyond the 10th entry :wink:

Sorry if there is an option for this already. If so, please point me to it, as I did not find it anywhere.

You have impeccable timing! Someone else recently asked for the same thing. It's been implemented for Thursday's beta. Here's the link to the other post:

Please feel free to give it a shot after the beta hits on Thursday and let me know if that works for you.



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Oh, sorry. I obviously missed that topic. Great to read, though :slight_smile:

Hi John,

tested and found to be working great :wink:

I would close the topic, but can’t find the option for that. Maybe this is up to mod status user?!


Hey Julian,

I’m glad to hear it! I’ll close this thread. Let us know if you run into anything else.

