Need help on running SQL Navigator through the command line. I’ve already figured out how to connect to the database but could not figure out how to automatically load DB Navigator once connected to the database.
Could anyone tell me how to load DB Navigator automatically after opening SQL Navigator and connecting to the database through command line parameters? Is there a command line parameter to load DB Navigator automatically or a program setting to do this?
Is there a specific reason why you have to do this using command lines? When you’re in SQL Navigator and run a connect statement, it will connect to a DB and also launch the DB Navigator tree.
No user is allowed to run SQL Navigator directly. The password they enter in the login screen will be hashed/encrypted before actually logging in to Oracle. As a result, no user will know their actual password to prevent them from connecting to Oracle directly. They can only connect to Oracle using a Launcher application that basically runs applications such as SQL Navigator, SQLPLUS using command line parameters.
Hi Don, It’s not currently possible. We plan in the next release to introduce a preference to control which windows are opened upon connecting: Code Editor, DB Navigator or both.