SQL Tracker problem of Toad for oracle

I want to use Toad SQL Tracker to catch Sqls from a certain Java product from remote side but failed:
toad monitoring failed to create remote thread; error=8 not enough storage available.
I have added my memory to 4G.

Thank you.


AFAIK, SQL Tracker is a utility that monitors Oracle Client DLL calls, allowing you to capture all SQL calls a program sends to the database via the client DLLs.

Java use JDBC or any other non OCI Oracle driver, so I think there is no way to capture those SQL with mentioned tools.


Damir Vadas

Thank you very much for your responding Damir, I will try other method.

Damir, I have used Toad session browser and the SGA Trace to resolve my problem, they work very well!

Thank you.

SQL Tracker used to work most excellently in Toad 8. Oracle and JDBC share the same jars so forgive me Damir I feel you have missed the mark and there is an outstanding problem with Toad 12 that needs to be resolved.