SV: How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a "Toad Edition BaseEdition"?


The idea was only to buy a license in order NOT to have to reinstall and setup Toad for Oracle again.

But I fear, (in these Halloween-times), It’s not possible?

Venlig hilsen / Best regards

Nikolaj Venstrup


Taster Wine A/S
| Ringager 6 | DK- 2605 Brøndby | Direkte: 43226534 | Mobil: 22551221

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Fra: damir.vadas_531 []

Sendt: 31. oktober 2013 09:26


Emne: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

RE: How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

Reply by damir.vadas_531


Haven’t try this, but could you install into new directory. Copy User settings (if not imported automatically) and then deinstall freeware?

Other approach is to deinstall (but preserve user settings) and then install Base version.



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I didn’t see a definitive end to this thread so I’ll end it. No, you cannot buy a base Toad license to ‘activate’ the already installed freeware edition.
Toad freeware is its own “hard-coded” edition. All the limitations you see in it are inside the executable itself.

You don’t have to uninstall Freeware to install Commercial. You can install Commercial, copy your Freeware settings to it, then continue to use Commercial
and Freeware side-by-side, with each of them keeping their own settings going forward.

So you can have all the flexibility you want. Your only penalty (aside from writing the check) is simply having to install Commercial. Which is easy.


From: nive []

Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:36 PM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] SV: How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

SV: How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

Thread created by nive


The idea was only to buy a license in order NOT to have to reinstall and setup Toad for Oracle again.

But I fear, (in these Halloween-times), It’s not possible?

Venlig hilsen / Best regards

Nikolaj Venstrup


Taster Wine A/S
| Ringager 6 | DK- 2605 Brøndby | Direkte: 43226534 | Mobil: 22551221

This message is for the designated recipient only and may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have
received it by mistake, please let us know immediately and delete the message; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone.

Fra: damir.vadas_531 []

Sendt: 31. oktober 2013 09:26


Emne: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

RE: How to update a Freeware 32-bit version with a “Toad Edition BaseEdition”?

Reply by damir.vadas_531


Haven’t try this, but could you install into new directory. Copy User settings (if not imported automatically) and then deinstall freeware?

Other approach is to deinstall (but preserve user settings) and then install Base version.



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