We use Team Coding with VSS and plan to substitute it with SVN. In order to do this I have to upate to the latest version.
So I recently updated from SQL Navigator 6.3 to the latest Version 7.01
After a few tests I recognize a few differences:
After a check out of a Package and saving changes without closing and re-opening the package the result of “Compare to VCS” is only in 6.3 correct. In 7.01 the changes are only visible after re-opening the package.
If I choose “undo checkout” in 6.3 the version in my database was reseted to the version in VCS and the currently opened package was reloaded. In 7.01 there was only a message package xxx released in output window and the version in the database stays the same.
Is that a bug or a feature in the new version? The behavior in the old version was more usable for me.
When I close the Code Editor with the package after check out and after changes (without automatically check in) and then re-open it with a double click in the SQL-Navigator Tree (the old one with F12), then the “Compare to VCS” find the differences.
If I don’t close the Code Editor after check out and after code changes and after compiling the “Compare to VCS” always says “The database version is identical to the current VCS revision”.