Teradata - regular query OK, same in cross-connect throws error

No other platforms or databases connected. Running query in regular query build is successful. Change to cross-connect query build and execute same query and get:

" Cross Qery Database Error - Got error 4206 ‘{0} Invalid data source definition: The UserId, Password or Account is invalid. ; Not enough inform’ from HUB’

Need to resolve this before I move on to actually trying to cross-connect to additional platforms.

is there anything special to your Teradata login? IE: Is it a single sign on? ETC? When we do cross-connection queries we have to build an ODBC connection.

You can also turn on logging by adding " /log=all" to your desktop short cut of TDP. THen produce the error and send a support bundle to support. We can look into it there,.

I don’t know of anything special in the login data. The error says invalid userid, password, or account. The userid and password work fine in the regular query build mode, so don’t know why there would be an issue in cross-connect. The account is an optional field that is always left empty. Single user box isn’t checked. Since the error only happens in cross-connect mode, cross-connect must be looking for something different. Does regular query builder not use odbc?

I’ve sent a support bundle to support group.

From: Debbie Peabody [mailto:bounce-Debbie_Peabody@toadworld.com]

Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 6:14 PM

To: toaddatapoint@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] Teradata - regular query OK, same in cross-connect throws error

RE: Teradata - regular query OK, same in cross-connect throws error

Reply by Debbie Peabody

is there anything special to your Teradata login? IE: Is it a single sign on? ETC? When we do cross-connection queries we have to build an ODBC connection.

You can also turn on logging by adding " /log=all" to your desktop short cut of TDP. THen produce the error and send a support bundle to support. We can look into it there,.

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Cross-connection is using ODBC where the rest of the app is not. We must be making the connection string wrong in some manner. Can you post a screenshot of both pages of your connection. I need to see what is different from the connections we test with.

I suspect the issue is with the use of LDAP. We don’t have LDAP serer for Teradata here. Can you connect without the user of LDAP and try?

I tried other connection mechanisms, but only LDAP works. And the connection seems to be made OK – the object explorer is populated correctly with tables, and in regular query builder mode the queries run fine and return the correct results. Right after I successfully run a query from query builder against Teradata, if I do nothing different than switching to cross-connection query builder and building and running the same exact query, I get the error message Got error 4206 ‘{0}

Invalid data source definition: The UserId, Password or Account is invalid. ; Not enough inform’ from HUB. And I am only accessing a Teradata database, I’m not even trying to do a cross-connection to Oracle (my ultimate goal), and don’t even have the Oracle connected.

From: Debbie Peabody [mailto:bounce-Debbie_Peabody@toadworld.com]

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:51 PM

To: toaddatapoint@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] Teradata - regular query OK, same in cross-connect throws error

RE: Teradata - regular query OK, same in cross-connect throws error

Reply by Debbie Peabody

I suspect the issue is with the use of LDAP. We don’t have LDAP serer for Teradata here. Can you connect without the user of LDAP and try?

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I’d like to get a log file and try two things.

  1. Shut down TDP and go to your shortcut and add " /log=all" to the end of the commandline.

  2. Restart TDP and generate the error from the Crossquery.

  3. Then do you have ODBC installed for Teradata? Can you make an ODBC connection and try the Cross-Query using the ODBC connection?

  4. Generate a support bundle with the query builder window focused. This will generate DDL of the tables in your query and gather the log files I need.

Lance: If you can get a TD2 connection set up for Teradata, that could solve your problem. I had similar issues while using LDAP connections on TD side and connecting to Oracle. Currently, I am using TD2 on TD side and connecting to Oracle - it is working absolutely fine. Hope this helps!

I have this issue that Lance Christensen described with Teradata LDAP . Can someone please explain how this was resolved? Thank you.

Hi - the original issue was reported some time ago. Improvements and changes have been made to Toad Data Point cross query connection engine. Can you tell us what version of Toad Data Point you are running and what sources you are connecting to for your cross query?