Thanksgiving eh?

Happy thanks giving you lot over the pond! :slight_smile:

Norm. [TeamT]

In large part a celebration of the division between the lawless savages and the
remainder of civilisation in 1776
…speaking of civilisation…when am i getting my invitation to the wedding next

Martin Gainty

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In large part a celebration of the division between the lawless savages and
the remainder of civilisation in 1776

You're about 150 years or so too far in the future for Thanksgiving.

As far as the rest of the description, well, I guess that's your take on it...

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: I wasn't standing in line for 5 hours for a chance to get $10
off of a $20 item.

by the 1600’s the “lawless savages” protested the Tax on Tea by dumping the Tea
into Boston Harbour
Sarah Palin was then elected to head up the Tea Party…

Unfortunately thats is all i Know of the great “Revolution”

Rich…If you paid 20$ to save 10$ you have successfully adopted the mindset of
the lawless savages
who are now finding ways to “save money” by spending their kids college tuition
at WalMart

…and so it goes…
Martin Gainty

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by the 1600's the "lawless savages" protested the Tax on Tea by dumping the
Tea into Boston Harbour

That was actually 1773, and the protest was on the unfair (monopolistic)
reduction of tax for teas primarily from the East India Company. But that
doesn't have anything to do with Thanksgiving anyway...

Sarah Palin was then elected to head up the Tea Party..

Sorry but she's not, despite what the news says. There is no elected
official for that.

Unfortunately thats is all i Know of the great "Revolution"

Google is your friend, friend! :slight_smile:

Rich..If you paid 20$ to save 10$ you have successfully adopted the mindset
of the lawless savages
who are now finding ways to "save money" by spending their kids college
tuition at WalMart

Maybe I need to sign my disclaimers with ";)". But perhaps your
generalizations of us in "The Colonies" has been a bit jaded by the
marketing of media that passes for news these days.

Oh well. Back to having fun w/the family and drinking my imported and taxed
teas from India via England. Cheers, Martin! :slight_smile:

Rich -- [TeamTea]

Disclaimer: Leftovers!