Toad 12.1 ignoring changes to tnsnames file

I am testing Toad 12.1 on Windows 8 with Oracle 12c installed and I find that Toad does not notice when I make changes to the tnsnames.ora file. When I click “Database Browser” it continues to display the old connections in the Connected Servers pane. Restarting Toad does not make any difference, neither does restarting the computer. The only way I could get it to display the correct tnsnames services was to uninstall and reinstall Toad. Is there something I am missing? Thanks for any advice.

There is a refresh the browser from tnsnames.ora file function - see snapshot below:

From: mogfitz2 []

Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 10:31 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad 12.1 ignoring changes to tnsnames file

Toad 12.1 ignoring changes to tnsnames file

Thread created by mogfitz2

I am testing Toad 12.1 on Windows 8 with Oracle 12c installed and I find that Toad does not notice when I make changes to the tnsnames.ora file. When I click “Database
Browser” it continues to display the old connections in the Connected Servers pane. Restarting Toad does not make any difference, neither does restarting the computer. The only way I could get it to display the correct tnsnames services was to uninstall and
reinstall Toad. Is there something I am missing? Thanks for any advice.

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My screen snapshot did not go through – choose the file drop down toolbar icon and read the first entry – the whole line – it says refresh db browser file using
tnsnsmes.ora file

Thank you for that tip. In the File drop-down list I selected “New database browser file (Reload from tnsnames)” and in the Open dialog I selected the tnsnames.ora file and clicked the button “Add favourite”. The Connected servers pane in Database Browser did not change so I restarted Toad. This gave a pop-up error "Project file error in line #1"followed by another error that indicated the error was the # character (comment line) on the first line of the tnsnames.ora file. This suggests that it was expecting a different type of file and one that does not contain lines starting with #. Sorry if I am a bit slow on this. I wish I could upload the screen shots so you could see where I’m going wrong. Thanks for any further advice.

Uh-oh. I hope it didn’t overwrite your tnsnames file.

That dialog was not asking for your tnsnames.ora file. Toad can find that on its own. The dialog was asking where you want to save your new database browser
file. When I do this, I usually just take the default, so the old database browser file gets overwritten.

If your tnsnames.ora is still intact, click the database browser button again, then for the file…choose DatabaseBrowser.tdb (in your User Files folder). If
you don’t want to overwrite anything, just give it a different file name in the same folder.

From: mogfitz2 []

Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 12:37 PM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad 12.1 ignoring changes to tnsnames file

RE: Toad 12.1 ignoring changes to tnsnames file

Reply by mogfitz2

Thank you for that tip. In the File drop-down list I selected “New database browser file (Reload from tnsnames)” and in the Open dialog I selected the tnsnames.ora file and clicked the button
“Add favourite”. The Connected servers pane in Database Browser did not change so I restarted Toad. This gave a pop-up error "Project file error in line #1"followed by another error that indicated the error was the # character (comment line) on the first line
of the tnsnames.ora file. This suggests that it was expecting a different type of file and one that does not contain lines starting with #. Sorry if I am a bit slow on this. I wish I could upload the screen shots so you could see where I’m going wrong. Thanks
for any further advice.

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