TOAD 12.x Team Coding problem


We are a team developing PLSQL through TOAD for Oracle and trying to move our application lifecycle management to Microsoft Team Foundation Server with TFS 2012. Since there is native TOAD – TFS bridge for Team
Coding plugin, we have decidede to move on with MSSCCIProvider to resolve TFS WI – source code association issues. And as far as we have experienced that TFS 2012’s MSSCCIPovider is comaptible with TOAD 12.x which is still at Beta builds, which has a frequent
build and deploy lifecycle as far as we have seen.

There are a couple issues we are facing, which are mostly critical issues for us in order to use it at our development house:

I am going to tell these issues through two virtual actors as below (the names used at the story are not real, just to help us to make things more clear..):

The Story: There are 2 developers : Tom, and Jerry, and currently both uses TOAD The configuration management admin whose name is Mickey has setup the TOAD Team Coding Repository through TFS MSSCCI
Provider 2012, and also other serverside and client configurations are as “Team Coding Client Options.png”, “Team Coding Configuration.png”, “TFS Workspace Advanced Settings.png”..

Use Case 1:

Tom checked out test_1.prc plsql procedure and still working on it

Jerry opened a local file contains test_1.prc DDL into the TOAD editor and compiles test_1 procedure with F5 (at TOAD 10.6 and above Jerry can’t compile this way, the editor doesnot allow him to..)

Use Case 2:

Tom checked out test_1.prc plsql procedure and still working on it, the code is also checked out at Tom’s TFS workspace.

Jerry opened test_1.prc through TOAD IDE, and made an undo checkout action even it is checkedout at Tom

The file is not at checked out state at Tom’s TFS workspace anymore

Use Case 3: (we remember that this was not this way at previous builds than for 12.x)

Tom checked out test_1.prc plsql procedure and still working on it, the code is also checked out at Tom’s TFS workspace.

Jerry opened test_1.prc through TOAD IDE, and made some edits at the plsql source code on the editor. (He shouldn’t, but acceptable assuming he will fail when he is going to checkin the changes )

However Jerry has been able to checkin the source. (We have faced two diffeerent problems here: First; Jerry made a checkin at TOAD level, but TFS throw an error and not allowed Jerry to checkin the
cource, becuase it was checked out at Tom’s workspace. Second; Jerry made a checkin, this time both TOAD and TFS allowed to checkin.)

Use Case 4: (we remember that this was not this way at previous builds than for 12.x, actually this issue is like a ghost(!), shows up at some builds, and suddenly disapperas at the other.. )

Tom connects to one of schemas at TOAD IDE, the schema is mapped with Code Control Groups by Mickey.

Tom describes an object (proc, package etc.) with “F4” . (TFS connection popup apperas as at TFS connection popup.png but Mickey has already mapped the schema to CCG, Tom should not face this popup
window and make any mappings this way.)

Appreciate for your response, thanks,

Gokhan Ozturk

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