TOAD 16.3 - Codeinsight stops working when using nested query

Hi all!

After upgrading from TOAD 16.2.98 to 16.3.231 (both 64-bit builds) we've got problems with code insight, which worked fine up until now.

The popup stops displaying when the query I'm writing contains a subquery in any possible combination. Every clause prior to the usage of a subquery do work.

As an example, for the following query the popup shows for each where clause:

select *
  from all_tables t
 where t.OWNER = 'SYS'
   and t.TABLE_NAME = 'DUAL'

when I add a subquery in this constructed example, adding the last where clause, fails to display the code insight popup:

select *
  from all_tables t
 where t.OWNER = 'SYS'
   and t.EXTERNAL = ( select 'NO' from dual )
   and t.TABLE_NAME = 'DUAL'

As far as I've checked it, it does not matter where the subquery is used (also in the SELECT-List or as WITH-Clause). After the subquery the popup does not display. When I force the display of it (CTRL+T), the popup appears, but stays empty.

Is there a new configuration entry I may have missed or is this a bug?


Confirming that there is something strange here in my own tests, including the SQL you've noted.
Let's let one of the Quest Dev team members see if they can track down what's going on.

Thanks for the report. I am logging it now. I can't think of any configuration change that would be causing this.

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I also checked various config options on the Code Assist side, and no combo yet helped, just to confirm Michael's suspicion that it's not on the options side.

Also, I checked with 16.2 version, and, unlike Rudolf, I was also having trouble with empty insight drop-downs after any subqueries.. so maybe an issue was introduced there?

Hi @mstaszew,

just curious: Have you got any feedback from dev, regarding this issue?


@rudolf.bittinger - It has been logged, but not resolved yet. This appears to be an issue requiring a code change vs. something we can provide you as a workaround.