Toad for DB2 on linux?

Is there someone who got Toad for DB2 running on Linux?

Are there any plans to get a Toad for DB2 version for Linux?

Thank you!

We’ve never tried to run Toad on Linux, and I don’t know of anyone who has tried. You might be able to get it running on Linux using a .Net Linux implementation, but it’s unlikely that Toad would be fully functional without a lot of work.

We have no plans to implement Toad on Linux.

Sorry, we have no such plans. Step one would probably be to get the Windows DB2 client to run under Wine. Generally when we look at new environments it seems
the DB2 client tends to be a lot harder to get to work than Toad itself unfortunately.


From: wolfgang.peer []

Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 3:47 AM


Subject: [Toad for IBM DB2 - Discussion Forum] Toad for DB2 on linux?

Toad for DB2 on linux?

Thread created by wolfgang.peer

Is there someone who got Toad for DB2 running on Linux?

Are there any plans to get a Toad for DB2 version for Linux?

Thank you!

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