Hi all,
I am trying to evaluate Toad for Oracle I have installed this version on a Windows 2003 Server (32-bit) trying to connect to an Oracle 11g Express edition database. At the logon page, I am connecting to the HR account using the ‘XE’ database. After I put in my user ID and password and click on the ‘Connect’ button, I get 'Toad for Oracle has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Access violation at address 073CB3A6 in module ‘Toad.exe’. Read of address 00000000.’
I then click on the error dialogue box
then I get another dialogue box error containing the following message:
Toad for Oracle has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Access violation at address 06D7D3EC in module ‘Toad.exe’. Read of address 00000008.’
then I get logged on. At this point I am at the default Toad’s Editor page. The edit panel is disabled and grayed out and I am not able to enter any SQL commands.
Finally, when I try to exit Toad, whether I click on the ‘x’ at the upper right hand of the page or navigate to ‘File’ and then click on ‘Exit’ , I get ‘Access violation at address 06DEEEB4 in module ‘Toad.exe’ Read of address 00000007’ and Toad would not close. Looks like the only way to exit Toad is by killing the Toad.exe process in the Task Manager.
Does anyone have any ideas what is causing these issues?
Thank you,
I just tried to install on Windows 2003 server, and there does appear to be an issue with that O/S. We’ll have to look into this. I would suggest installing to a different O/S until we can figure out what’s going on.
btw…12.6 GA works fine on 2003. The problem only seems to be with the beta.
Looks like we have already identified the issue, and will look into fixing it, but I would suggest installing to a different O/S until you hear back from us, if you can.
Just fyi…something I noticed while researching this and you probably know this - I see that Windows 2003 support runs out the middle of this year.
My organization has been rolling out Windows 7 workstations. However, I haven’t gotten one yet. I am supposed to get a Deverlopers Windows 7 64-bit workstation, which could be weeks from now. I am going to stop working on the evalation of ‘Toad for Oracle 12.7 Beta’ until I get a new workstation. Thank you Dennis for the information.
One of our libraries was built using Visual Studio 2013 which does not support XP or Server 2003 out of the box. It's been rebuilt to enable older OS support. If you try the next beta let us know if it's working for you.
On 01/21/2015 02:45 PM, seyed.golshani wrote:
RE: Toad for Oracle - Access Violation
Reply by seyed.golshani
My organization has been rolling out Windows 7 workstations. However, I haven't gotten one yet. I am supposed to get a Deverlopers Windows 7 64-bit workstation, which could be weeks from now. I am going to stop working on the evalation of 'Toad for Oracle
12.7 Beta' until I get a new workstation. Thank you Dennis for the information.
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Thanks Michael for the information. Would the next beta be version12.7.0.35? If the answer is yes, I believe is available now.
No, .35 is current, .36 is next.
On 01/21/2015 03:01 PM, seyed.golshani wrote:
RE: Toad for Oracle - Access Violation
Reply by seyed.golshani
Thanks Michael for the information. Would the next beta be version12.7.0.35? If the answer is yes, I believe is available now.
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Michael, thank you for the update. I will give the evaluation another try when .36 becomes available.
Seyed, have you had an opportunity to try the latest beta to see if your issue has been resolved?
Hi Michael, I have been waiting on version .36 before trying this again on Windows 2003 Server. .36 is not out yet is it?
.37 is out.
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posts every time we release a new beta. If you aren't getting email notifications of new posts you can enable them in Toad World. Go to the
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On 01/29/2015 01:23 PM, Seyed Golshani wrote:
RE: Toad for Oracle - Access Violation
Reply by Seyed Golshani
Hi Michael, I have been waiting on version .36 before trying this again on Windows 2003 Server. .36 is not out yet is it?
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Hi Michael, I just finished installing installed Toad for Oracle and now all of my Access Violation messages are gone. I also can exit Toad without any issues. I will start with evaluating this Beta version and will post comments if I found any issues. How do I mark this post as ‘Resolved’? Thank you so much for your assistance.
Consider it "marked."
On 01/30/2015 01:40 PM, Seyed Golshani wrote:
RE: Toad for Oracle - Access Violation
Reply by Seyed Golshani
Hi Michael, I just finished installing installed Toad for Oracle and now all of my Access Violation messages are gone. I also can exit Toad without any issues. I will start with evaluating this Beta version and will post comments if I found any
issues. How do I mark this post as 'Resolved'? Thank you so much for your assistance.
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