Toad line error

I’ve got an error when launching an insert statement …

ORA-01722 : Invalid number

ORA-06512: ‘My trigger’ line 871

ORA-01422 : extraction has to much lines …

The problem is that this line does not correspond to any coherent operation (it’s an insert and not a select)

what is this line number (how it is calculating - without comments …)

what is the ordering to read this message :

first invalid number ?

could you help please ?

best regards


Give me a magic ball to help you … or …

we can see the code that cause the error (whole one!),


Sorry but i don’t have this issue anymore …

But the main question is : when toad is sequencing a list of cascade error :

ORA-111 blabla

ORA-222 blablo

ORA-333 blabli

in wich order should we consider ? 111 to 333 or 333 to 111

second point : when in this report there is a line number specified what is really this line ? line of the source code including comments ? without comment ?

because it seemed strange in my case, it was not corresponding to any coherent query in my code …

thanks for your help