I tried to run the command "Execute Toad Script Runner".
I got an error immediately:
Application Error
Exception EAccessViolation in module QSR.exe at 00000000032BAE16.
Access violation at address 00000000034FAE16 in module 'QSR.exe' (offset 32BAE16). Read of address 0000000000000758.
Hi Ihor,
I'm not seeing this... maybe look in your task manager and verify no other instances of qsr.exe are running and try again. I assume you're using the "execute via QSR" option from the script execution dropdown button? If not please let me know how you're executing.
Also, see this post for capturing error details. If you are receiving an error dialog as seen in that post, please follow the steps and share the call stack.
Unfortunately, stack tracing is not available.
Perhaps there are other means to get a stack trace in QSR.exe?
Hi Ihor,
There's no way to get a call stack from QSR.exe. We could enable it, but for now it doesn't exist. Please try deleting QSR options. For me, they are in C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\QSR
. You can just delete the entire folder. QSR will create a new one next time it runs.
Let me know if that helps.
I found the cause of the problem.
QSR.ini contained the following lines
VCLStyle=Charcoal Dark Slate
If you remove them, the error disappears.
Would it be possible to use styles in Toad Script Runner?
Yes, styles should work in QSR. It will be fixed in next beta. Thanks for finding the cause.
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