TOAD SQL Server 6.8 - lost how to copy row Headers into Clipboard?

I cannot seem to find it anymore, the option to bring back the option when copying rows (table -> Details -> Data tab -> select rows -> Right Click -> Copy Rows), to also include the row header into the clipboard? The only way at the moment, to get the header is to export the entire data view, or a selection of rows into Excel.

Thanks in advance


when you right click -> Copy row, it should be show dialog to chooes format of copy data.

Have you try to reset all options in Tools->Options ?


He has likely checked the “Do not prompt me again” checkbox, and I’ve never figured out a way to re-enable this feature once you do that.

Hi mitchell,

Have you try to reset all options in Tools->Options for get it back dialog?


Nope, I would only do that as a last resort - I have too many customization’s I’d lose and have to redo.

He has likely checked the “Do not prompt me again” checkbox, and I’ve never figured out a way to re-enable this feature once you do that.

That’s exactly what I did. Thanks for noticing.

The option to bring this feature back should be in the Options menu. Something I think QUEST should create a ticket for.

He has likely checked the “Do not prompt me again” checkbox, and I’ve never figured out a way to re-enable this feature once you do that.

That’s exactly what I did.

I think we need a ticket to add the ability to reset this feature. Why ask a question to stop asking you a question, then you’ve changed your mind later on?