Toad Team Coding keeps trying to logon to obsolete Team Foundation Server instead of GIT. Git checkin won't work. How to turn it off?

Back in TOAD version 12, we piloted Team Foundation VCS and decided not to use it. I went on to TOAD 13 beta and then installed TOAD when it was released.

But it seems like the TOAD 13 installation reached back and grabbed remnants of the TEAM Foundation setup left in version 12?? I keep getting this popup screen saying "Connecting to teamfoundation… Even though I cancel it, I can’t seem to do checkins with my local Git repository.

Here’s the Team Codiing output from one example case where I started Toad, linked to a DB server, and then clicked the Configure Team Coding icon in Team Coding Manager.

Thanks for any help you can give.

– Doug


Team Coding output - I assume that line 22 is where I clicked the Team Coding Config icon

11:12:26 ==================================================================
11:12:26 Method Name: VCS Command
11:12:26 Request:
11:12:26 git.exe status
11:12:26 Response:
11:12:26 On branch master
11:12:26 No commits yet
11:12:26 nothing to commit (create/copy files and use “git add” to track)
11:12:26 ==================================================================
11:12:26 ==================================================================
11:12:26 Method Name: VCS Command
11:12:26 Request:
11:12:26 git.exe status
11:12:26 Response:
11:12:26 On branch master
11:12:26 No commits yet
11:12:26 nothing to commit (create/copy files and use “git add” to track)
11:12:26 ==================================================================
11:13:42 ==================================================================
11:13:42 Method Name: GetRegistrationEntries
11:13:42 Request:
11:13:42 <?xml version="1.0"?>
11:13:42 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="…/" xmlns:xsd="…/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="">SOAP-ENV:Body<GetRegistrationEntries xmlns="…/SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
11:16:33 ==================================================================
11:16:33 Method Name: GetRegistrationEntries
11:16:33 Request:
11:16:33 <?xml version="1.0"?>
11:16:33 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="…/" xmlns:xsd="…/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="">SOAP-ENV:Body<GetRegistrationEntries xmlns="…/SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
11:16:33 Error: TFS GetRegistration Services Failed(double click for more information)

NOTE: I assume this is where I clicked cancel on the logon screen

So you’re no longer using Team Coding on this particular DB at all? You’re only using a local GIT rep? If I’m understanding this correctly, your next course of action should be to remove the Team Coding objects from your DB (installed into TOAD schema by default). To do this, just login as a DBA and open the Team Coding Configuration window, first button on the toolbar.

If this button is not available, and Toad seems to be confused with an older version of TC, you can either use an older version, in your case 12, to remove the TC objects or remove them manually.

From: dwmosman

Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 1:41 PM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad Team Coding keeps trying to logon to obsolete Team Foundation Server instead of GIT. Git checkin won’t work. How to turn it off?

Toad Team Coding keeps trying to logon to obsolete Team Foundation Server instead of GIT. Git checkin won’t work. How to turn it off?

Thread created by dwmosman

Back in TOAD version 12, we piloted Team Foundation VCS and decided not to use it. I went on to TOAD 13 beta and then installed TOAD when it was released.

But it seems like the TOAD 13 installation reached back and grabbed remnants of the TEAM Foundation setup left in version 12?? I keep getting this popup screen saying "Connecting to teamfoundation… Even though I cancel it, I can’t seem to do checkins with my local Git repository.

Here’s the Team Codiing output from one example case where I started Toad, linked to a DB server, and then clicked the Configure Team Coding icon in Team Coding Manager.

Thanks for any help you can give.

– Doug


Team Coding output - I assume that line 22 is where I clicked the Team Coding Config icon

11:12:26 ==================================================================

11:12:26 Method Name: VCS Command

11:12:26 Request:

11:12:26 git.exe status

11:12:26 Response:

11:12:26 On branch master

11:12:26 No commits yet

11:12:26 nothing to commit (create/copy files and use “git add” to track)

11:12:26 ==================================================================

11:12:26 ==================================================================

11:12:26 Method Name: VCS Command

11:12:26 Request:

11:12:26 git.exe status

11:12:26 Response:

11:12:26 On branch master

11:12:26 No commits yet

11:12:26 nothing to commit (create/copy files and use “git add” to track)

11:12:26 ==================================================================

11:13:42 ==================================================================

11:13:42 Method Name: GetRegistrationEntries

11:13:42 Request:

11:13:42 <?xml version="1.0"?>

11:13:42 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="…/" xmlns:xsd="…/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="">SOAP-ENV:Body<GetRegistrationEntries

11:16:33 ==================================================================

11:16:33 Method Name: GetRegistrationEntries

11:16:33 Request:

11:16:33 <?xml version="1.0"?>

11:16:33 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="…/" xmlns:xsd="…/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="">SOAP-ENV:Body<GetRegistrationEntries

11:16:33 Error: TFS GetRegistration Services Failed(double click for more information)

NOTE: I assume this is where I clicked cancel on the logon screen

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Hey Doug,

On the flip-side to what Brad mentioned, if you are using Git with a Team Coding installation on the database, it’s also possible that you may have Team Foundation Server set up as your local VCS provider, which is separate from Team Coding’s configuration on the database. To check this, close out of all database connections, then click on Team Coding -> Configuration. If Team Foundation Server is listed as the VCS, change it to “None” and press OK. Then you can reconnect back to your database and you shouldn’t receive the login prompts.

If this is the case, the reason you were seeing this is because the configuration screen loads both local and database-level Team Coding options. And because of the way TFS’ API’s are written, Toad needs to query the TFS server to determine which version of TFS is being run. That querying of the server causes TFS to show the built-in Windows Authentication login prompt. This prompt is actually happening outside of Toad, but it prevents Toad from continuing until it’s dealt with.

If this is the situation in your environment, feel free to give that a shot and let us know if that helps.
