Hey all,
We are looking at doing some work in the Oracle autonomous Database Cloud area, and after setting up a trial run at it, and connecting to it with TOAD, we are running into some issues...
Haven't found anything else like what we are seeing, so Im guessing it's something screwy with our setup...
Basically, 90% of TOAD doesn't work...Cant look at Procedures/Functions/Triggers, Can't look at data in Tables, or scripts for anything...
Everything that fails always returns with the dreaded "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" error...
I'm assuming that this is because the online database is "hiding" all the SYS level tables that TOAD uses to do it's magic...
Is there some setting or something I'm missing, or is TOAD just not usable with the online Oracle Autonomous Database?
Thanks for any info...