The error comes when try to create a project under, using the clone repository option. The error in UI comes back as "Working Directory not valid"
14:26:35 Info: Logged into Git
14:26:48 Output: Failed to create VCS project: Runtime platform e[0;m arche[0;m=amd64 ose[0;m=windows pide[0;m=36656 revisione[0;m=58ba2b95 versione[0;m=14.2.0 e[31;1mFATAL: Command add not found. e[0;m
14:28:51 Output: Error selecting project in Git.
Hi VRaj,
You shouldn't be using GitLab Runner as your command-line client application. That application is designed to work with CI/CD processes in GitLab to run jobs in pipelines. It's not designed to be a Git command-line client. Instead, you should look for a "git.exe" executable, which is included in standard Git client installs, which can be found here:
Give that a shot and let us know if you continue to have troubles.
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