I'm trying to import csv file with some sample data to load them in a table. But getting below error message.
Error Message: Row 1 failed to insert, error: ODBC Database Error
Does anybody know how to fix this? Please advise.
Thanks !
Welcome to the TDP forum in ToadWorld, Rajesh.
This is a pretty generic error, and could be due to many things.
However, the more details you can provide the community, the more likely we can provide advice.
What is the target data platform into which you're importing data?
Does the ODBC driver you are using to connect to the data source allow for insert/update capabilities?
Are you using the Import wizard, or executing insert scripts via the Toad Editor?
Is only one row of data failing on import? Or are other rows being successfully imported?
Does the row being inserted contain a "key" field that already exists in the target table?
Please be aware that --for the most part--TDP supports updates to data only for relational data sources, and even with that, your login credentials must have necessary privs to update database tables. Most all other connectors TDP supports are read-only.
Hi Gary,
Please check below details
- Target data platform is "Hartonworks Hive".
- I'm using "Import wizard" feature to import CSV file which contains 5 rows.
- Getting failure message while inserting first row itself, also the row which is being
inserted/imported does not contain a "key" field that already exists in the target table.
- Since I'm not able to use "Import Wizard" I manually ran insert script and that is successfull.
It would be great if you give some tips on how to use "Import wizard" to import CSV file to load data in a table.