It would be useful to be able to access the models that are being compared whilst the Compare dialog is open.
This could be in a view only mode. For example I’d like to be able to look at object (such as entity) properties to determine why they are being shown as different when they look identical in the Compare dialog.
Hello Malcolm,
Thanks for your ideas.
We’ve discussed your request in our team. Here’s the result - what we think, how it should work.
If filter ‘Show Unequal Objects’ is selected, only differences should be visible. If a difference is shown e.g. in entity, please expand the tree to get to the detail of the difference.
Yes, there were some troubles and bugs, however we fixed them for the Beta So, now it should work properly.
Nevertheless, if an item is shown as different but looks identical, then it’s a bug that must be fixed. In this case, please do not hesitate to write us.
Also, during the compare, the models are locked and it’s not possible to open a dialog etc. of the models. We wouldn’t like to enable to open the forms, dialogs in these models (although in a view only mode). And if we enabled e.g. an entity, other objects would have to be enabled too. This might lead to confusion.
Malcolm, if you have any remarks, please write us back. Thanks!
Vladka + TDM Team
Hi Vladka,
I was comparing a model with a REd version that I’d created from the generated DDL.
All DbOwners were shown as differences but appeared to contain the same text in the expanded Compare dialog.
Please see my other thread http://modeling.inside.quest.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5692 for more details.
I wanted to be able to check the value set on the entities in each model before I moved on to consider the next difference.