The attached screen shot shows the results of a comparison between two models. The options "Show Unequal Objects" and "Show Unequal Properties" are selected in the Comparator. Why is the Comparator flagging items that are the same as being unequal? This behavior can be seen in the screen shot by examining the items expanded in the tree view. The details on the left hand and right hand sides seem to be equal, yet the Comparator has flagged them as being different.
Can you send us the two models to, please? It will certainly help us.
Thank you in advance,
I’ve attached the models as you requested.
Thank you,
Ben (27.6 KB)
I just discovered something worth mentioning. I doubt you’ll see the behavior I previously described if you open and compare the models I attached. Here’s what I’m doing to generate the problem I’ve described:
- Reverse engineer an existing db (I used Oracle 10g)
- Save the model (original)
- Save the model as something else (changes)
- Open the changes model and permanently delete an entity from it.
- Perform the model comparison on changes and original and you will see the behavior I described.
**However, if you close both models, open them again and perform the model comparison, the described behavior does not occur.
Hi Ben,
We’ve compared the two models you sent us with the two options on - Show Unequal Objects and Show Unequal Properties. Unfortunately, we failed to simulate your problem. No unequal entity has been found (no entity has been listed as unequal object during the comparison).
From the screenshot you sent us, the QUEST_DEV_JAVA… entity should occur in model ORIG. However, we can’t find it in the model.
Do we have the right model?
Thanks for checking it out.
Vladka + TDM Team
Have you tried reproducing the issue using the steps I mentioned in the post after I attached the models? Seems this is the process to consistently reproduce the issue.
We have tested it on several models, taken the steps you described.
Finally we’ve found out that there’s a trouble with default values in reversed model after Save As. For now, we don’t know what exactly causes it, however will further deal with it. CR # 38 566.
As you’ve already written, if you close the models, open them again and do the comparison, the trouble doesn’t occur.
Thanks for your patience.
Vladka + TDM Team