We’ve just migrated to an 11g database, and all of a sudden I’m seeing an “ORA-29275: partial multibyte character” error when I try to view the session browser - it’s due to some bug or other that’s causing the OSUSER to be passed in with a funny/truncated character on the end.
By playing around with the query in the editor, I’ve worked out that I can use the convert function to convert it the OSUSER a single-byte character set and Toad no longer throws the error. I accept that this is not a Toad problem, it’s whatever is passing in the dodgy data. However, I’ve come to rely heavily on the session browser, so having to go back to manual select statements is a major step backwards!
I’ve tried removing that column from the list of visible columns, but that didn’t help. I can also see that I have the ability to create filters on the data, but it does that by doing “select * from v$session where (…)”, and I can’t see a way to amend the columns being selected.
Is it possible to change the columns being selected by the main query in the session browser (similar to how you can amend the query in the schema browser data tab)? If not, is it possible to get that added for the next beta? If it is available, how do I go about doing it?