Toad for Oracle v12.6 vs Excel 2013
In the Automation Designer I am trying to run a script to
holds all values of table x into a cursor (client names)
run a query to extract what last month was (for billing purposes)
generate an xls file with a parameters in the file name (i.e. *clientname_*BillingReport_monthyr.xls: AAA_BillingReport_Jun2015, BBB_BillingReport_Jun2015 …)
query the database for billing related data and spool into above mentioned generated xls files
how do I marry up the parameters derived from the cursor and the date into the filename - I have played around with creating a variable (under options) named Filename but with no luck
how do I tell Toad to store the data as a spreadsheet? right now it will generate a txt file with the xls extension. This creates formatting errors as well as displaying a corruption message when I open the xls file.
Any help is greatly appreciated.