Copy User Settings: Added the option of importing and exporting Toad’s user files as a single compressed file.
Enhanced Support for 12c DBMS_SCHEDULER features: The new scheduler job types - EXTERNAL_SCRIPT, SQL_SCRIPT, and BACKUP_SCRIPT are now supported in the Create/alter program and create/alter scheduler job windows. In support of these, the Scheduler Credential object is also now supported in Toad. This object type now has a tab/dropdown entry/tree entry in the Schema Browser. It also has a Create/Alter window, and support for credentials has been added to Schema Compare, Generate Schema Script, HTML Schema Dog Generator, Project Manager, and everywhere else that it made sense to add them.
Index Monitoring: Added support for 12c’s new DBA_OBJECT_USAGE view in Toad’s Index Monitoring window. Previously, to use this window with indexes in other schemas, SELECT privileges on several SYS tables were required. Now, only the SELECT privilege on the new DBA_OBJECT_USAGE view is required.