Break Team Coding Lock

I am running Toad along with Team Coding 7.0. VCS is not enabled. When I right click on a controlled object in the Team Coding Dashboard, I do not see an option for “Break Team Coding Lock” in the menu. Does anyone know why this might be? Any help is appreciated.

I see it on the R-menu and the TC Dashboard toolbar. The connected user has to have the role TC_ADMIN_ROLE for this to be enabled.

From: annie.gomez []

Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 4:26 PM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Break Team Coding Lock

Break Team Coding Lock

Thread created by annie.gomez

I am running Toad along with Team Coding 7.0. VCS is not enabled. When I right click on a controlled object in the Team Coding Dashboard, I do not
see an option for “Break Team Coding Lock” in the menu. Does anyone know why this might be? Any help is appreciated.

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Thanks for your response, Brad. I am logged in with an account that has the TC_ADMIN_ROLE but I still don't have that option in my menu. I am running the professional edition. Here is a screenshot of the menu I see.

I replied to this a while ago via e-mail but it has not gone through, so I’m posting this again on the web forum:

I’m running I would suggest upgrading your current version, to the 12.5.1 patch. The issue may have been fixed in this patch release.

If that doesn’t work, my only other suggestion would be to reset your user files (Utilities > Copy user files)

Unfortunately I’ve tried both of those things and it still does not appear. Thank you for your help with this. I will continue to research but I am so baffled!

You may also want to right click on the main toolbar and select Restore Defaults. It’s possible that the menus are out of sync and need to be restored.

Is it showing on the main TC Dashboard toolbar?


I’ve done that as well. Also several other developers on my team do not have the option either. They do not have TC_ADMIN_ROLE but I would expect it to at least be in their menu as disabled or something.

No, here is what I see on that toolbar.

Do any of you have VCS disabled? I’m starting to think that might have something to do with this.

That is the main TC toolbar. Open the Team Coding Dashboard (second icon) - it will have another toolbar - see my screen print above.

Oops! Sorry about that. Here it is.

I was able to replicate what your seeing, but only if I remove the TC_ADMIN_ROLE from my logged on schema like below. I would double check you have that role checked, and make sure you log out and back in after it’s set. That’s all I can think of.


I disabled VCS and still see that button.

I’ll try a couple other things…

From: annie.gomez []

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 10:06 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Break Team Coding Lock

RE: Break Team Coding Lock

Reply by annie.gomez

Do any of you have VCS disabled? I’m starting to think that might have something to do with this.

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I do not have the admin option checked. I need to get a DBA for that and then I’ll give it a shot. Brad - that’s good to know that VCS is not my problem either. I think we might finally be getting down to the source of the problem. I’ll let you guys know what I find out.

Make sure it’s set as ‘Default’ as well.


I was also able to reproduce this if TC_ADMIN_ROLE was not set as “Default”. You may want to check this as well. I think this is required.


From: annie.gomez []

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 10:32 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Break Team Coding Lock

RE: Break Team Coding Lock

Reply by annie.gomez

I do not have the admin option checked. I need to get a DBA for that and then I’ll give it a shot. Brad - that’s good to know that VCS is not my problem either. I think we might finally be
getting down to the source of the problem. I’ll let you guys know what I find out.

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