BUG: TDM hanging on Sync & Convert/Generate Alter Script

I’ve attempted to generate an alter script between two TDM models using the Sync & Convert Wizard. The wizard appears to work OK up until the final stage of alter script generation. Then it goes partway through and hangs forever. Very annoying, I need this capability.


How big are the two model? I mean number of entities, attributes… And what DB platform is it? Also machine configuration influences convertor and AlterScript generation.


48 entities, 262 attributes, 55 keys, 4 indexes, 59 relationships, 18 views, 5 stored procs. SQL Server 2008 database. I accepted the defaults for the alter script generation.

For what it’s worth, additional information: it’s hanging on the “Drop” stage. Though I don’t recall if that’s consistent.

Message was edited by: Olivercomputing

Ok, thanks! It doesn’t seem that big… If you can think of anything else to help us, let me know. Please, go to Options, tab General, enable Expert Mode and in Expert Mode options tab, enable Freeze Activate option to allow generating EurekaLog upon app freeze and send us the log if generated.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Message was edited by: Lukas

Ok, I enabled the expert mode with the Freeze Active option set to 60 seconds - nothing. It hangs for much longer than a minute, no log dialog.

I’m at a customer right now and can confirfm this bug. Our source database is SQL Server 2012 and has about 1800 attributes. We have been waiting for 10 minutes and have killed the modeler using the task manager then.

We haven’t tried the Freeze Active option yet, but I’ll try it tomorrow or on Friday.


Do you use any antivirus software? If so, try disabling it for the time when you try generating AlterScript.

Thank you,

Please try also enabling logging Convertor progress to a file in step Settings, Log Progress to File. The resulting log is by default in e.g. c:\Users<username>\Documents\Toad Data Modeler\Logs. Try it like 3 times if the convertor fails in the same place or not and please send the log to modeling(at)quets.com.

Thank you,

Message was edited by: Lukas

I have just experienced this failure again and send an e-mail to modeling(at)quest.com with four log-files and screenshots of my settings attached. The converter never failed in the same place. Antivirus software is not used on the computer.

Thank you,

Hi Gerald,

thank you, we will look into the matter.




unfortunately the logs didn’t help us. Can you send us your models, please? We will use them for testing purposes only and if we manage to do what you require, we can send you the output.



I will talk to my customer about this.

Hi Vaclav,

I have not yet talked with my customer about supplying the model because we have been working on other things. A few minutes ago a project member has run Sync&Convert/Generate Alter Script without any problems.

I have tried it again on my computer and the process didn’t hang.
We have made many changes to the model and the database, but both have increased complexity now. It looks like finding the correct circumstances for causing this bug is complicated.

I will make a backup of both, the database structure and the model, the next time when the alter script generation hangs.


OK, thanks for the update.
