Cannot change Data Grids Visual Active Style

Just downloaded the new version of Toad 12.6, cannot change the Active Style to Windows Classic or to any other Active Style. I’ve tried to go to Toad Options > Data Grids > Visual > Active Style selected Windows Classic and clicked Apply and closed. The Active Style, Windows Classic did not apply to Toad, I also tried to exit Toad and restart Toad, still no changes. Could someone help!

All, my problem has been resolved. Thanks!


I have the same problem.
How do you solved this?

Hi Dirk,

If you have two copies of Toad running, that may prevent this setting (any many others) from changing.



I have only one TOAD running: Win11 (had the same problem under Win10).


That setting should change Editor query result grid and Schema Browser -> Tables/Views/MViews -> Data grid. Is the setting changing nothing in those grids?

The non-query grids, (like login window, or Schema Browser -> Tables -> Columns), you change those by right click -> Appearance

OK but when i change Options > Data Grids > Visual > Styles > Active style to something large and colors and then 'Apply', the record-view of my table changes immediately.

But after closing TOAD, this setting is lost.

On records > right click -> Appearance I only see this:

I'm not sure why it's not sticking. Maybe something got messed up in your settings. Try this:

  1. Shut down Toad
  2. Go to the folder C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\14.0\User Files
  3. Edit Toad.ini with notepad
  4. in Toad.ini, find the line "ActiveGridStyleSheetIndex=nn", change to "ActiveGridStyleSheetIndex=33" (this is the default of "Legacy"
  5. In Toad.ini, remove the line "LegacyStyleSheetCreated=1"
  6. If you have a file called "ToadStyles.ini", remove/rename it (this file, if exists, contains edits that were made to the built-in styles). Toad will revert to default if it doesn't exist.

After that, grid settings will be back to default and hopefully changes made after that in options -> data grids -> visual that will stick.

Ok, I think I found the reason.
Starting Toad 'normaly' ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 14.0\Toad.exe")
and then login, it uses the correct visual (=my last selected).

But I'm always starting toad from my own shortcut via a command where I have the user / psw @ servr prefilled:
start_toad_14.cmd =
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 14.0"
start toad.exe -c %1

where %1 is user / psw @ servr from my shortcut.

The only difference between the 2 shortcuts is the 'Start in' location.
I think Toad cannot find in my startfolder the files/setting needed for the record-layout.

Hi Dirk,

For me, the grid settings are loaded even when I start from command line with connection info specified. Sorry, I'm not sure why that doesn't work for you.

Toad finds the settings location by looking in C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\SettingsLocation.ini

If there is a lot of junk/old data in there, it may help to remove all sections except [Toad 14.0].
