In response to your questions:
Could you please verify that you use 32 bit Oracle client? We introduce 64 bit support in TDP 3.4 so it could cause the issue. To do it right click on the Oracle connection and select Property. What is the name of Oracle’s Current home?
It is the 32 bit client, I installed it myself. the path is C:\Oracle\Product\11.2.0\client_1 and the Home name is OraClient11g_Home1
Do you have other triggers on the table or only SALES_REP_IN_PRUDENT_BUYER_TRG?
No, that is the only one. (Recall that this works on every machine without TDP 3.4, so it is not Oracle related, this table has existed in it's current form for 10+ years)
Could you execute the following update statement from the SQL Editor? You will have to provide values for all bind variables.
Updating tables from the sql editor works perfectly
SET SALES_REP_ID = :f1, NAME = :f2, MES_FLAG = :f3, HPSI_SALES_REP = :f4, RVP = :f5, PHONE = :f6, EMAIL = :f7, START_DATE = :f8, HAS_COMMISSION_BASE = :f9, IN_PRUDENT_BUYER = :f10
How critical is the ability to update the column from the grid?
This is very critical, the user with this issue updates table data in several tables daily and we don't want to create DML for every update she needs to make, this is a small table with only a few fields, other tables with this issue are much larger and would require creation of multiple update statements. The Data Processing team in general prefers to use the grids because it is easier to filter down to the records you want to update and then update dynamically and then update as necessary
Would it be possible to install additional program on your PC to trace the issue? Will you have time to do it?
That would be no problem, send me the details and we will get it going.
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Aleksey Bazhenov wrote:
RE: Can't update table data in Database Explorer
Reply by Aleksey Bazhenov
Hi Jon,
Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce it. We’ll continue looking at the issue but before we spend more time I’d like to ask couple questions
- Could you please verify that you use 32 bit Oracle client? We introduce 64 bit support in TDP 3.4 so it could cause the issue. To do it right click on the Oracle connection and select Property. What is the name of Oracle’s Current home?
- Do you have other triggers on the table or only SALES_REP_IN_PRUDENT_BUYER_TRG
- Could you execute the following update statement from the SQL Editor? You will have to provide values for all bind variables.
SET SALES_REP_ID = :f1, NAME = :f2, MES_FLAG = :f3, HPSI_SALES_REP = :f4, RVP = :f5, PHONE = :f6, EMAIL = :f7, START_DATE = :f8, HAS_COMMISSION_BASE = :f9, IN_PRUDENT_BUYER = :f10
- How critical is the ability to update the column from the grid?
- Would it be possible to install additional program on your PC to trace the issue? Will you have time to do it?
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Jon King
V. P. Enterprise Systems Development
Cell: (801) 885-3301
Office: (949) 250-4774 ext. 106