Code Assist has had issues since 12.5, but with the newest 12.7.32 beta it’s basically unuseable if you happen to include schema names in your queries.
Because if you use schema names, now you only get the tables and views in the Code Assist window, but not the column names inside the objects. If you remove the schema name, you at least get the column names shown again - but typing the first few letters in in hope of the usual autocomplete is futile - it doesn’t narrow down the list or completes it via selecting the item as usual until now, but simply closes the Code Assist window, without allowing you to select a column name.
This is fixed for next beta.
On 01/12/2015 02:35 AM, Markus H. wrote:
Code Assist and Schema Names
Thread created by Markus H.
Code Assist has had issues since 12.6, but with the newest 12.7.32 beta it's basically unuseable if you happen to include schema names in your queries. Because if you use schema names, now you only get the tables and views in the Code Assist window, but
not the column names inside the objects. If you remove the schema name, you at least get the column names shown - but typing the first few letter in in hope of the usual auto complete is futile - it doesn't narrow down the list or completes it via Spacebar,
but simply closes the Code Assist window.
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