Code insight to filter name as contains


there are good code insight in other DB tools i use to access MySql and sql server
that filters table and column name not just start with the letters typed, as x.con will give popup showing msg_contract, or contract_msg as example , will be great if applicable in toad.


Good idea. I will log this.

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This will be in the 2024R2 release. It will be available in next week's beta.

i checked today it is working on table names but not on the columns, still on columns as start with .

@mstaszew Hi, did you get chance to check the column filter or could be settings issue.


I missed your message 2d ago. I will log the column filter issue and have a look.

I found even table filter is not working properly if you mentioned the schema name , and this the reason the column filter is not working if you started with the table alias. it works without starting with any thing before.

Thanks for the additional details. I have added them to the bug report. I plan to look at this in the next week.

@zmallah - I am pretty sure I understand your recent messages and I have made changes to correct them, but before I commit the changes I would like your feedback to make sure I completely understand and that I am not missing anything.

Do these two examples cover everything you have brought up in recent weeks? If not, please provide specific code examples that describe what you are seeing. Thanks.

Example 1

You have typed...

SELECT * FROM scott.p

...and would like to see all tables owned by SCOTT that contain the letter p?

Example 2

You have typed...

SELECT * FROM user_objects uo WHERE uo.e

...and would like to see all fields of the user_objects view that contain the letter e?

exactly this what expected . Thanks

Thanks. They will be fixed in next week's beta. Please have a look and let me know if you spot anything else.
