Code formatting

My string continuation are set as shown in the attached pic. When formatted It does a new line for each VAR (top pic an insert) What I want is all my string || to be as shown in the DBMS_OUTPUT.putline (I hand made, cause it too does as the top pic).

Please advise. Pic below is also at:

Thanks James

Hello James,

Doesn’t the “Wrapped” option help? You’ll probably still have multiple lines, but less lines anyway, dependent on the right margin you have set.


Yes…oddly I had the margins set 150, but it was only going to 110, maybe cause Im at 9 pt font. Small, I know, I like seeing as much as possible on one page. This worked,

Almost there, Two more questions, The top is what it is doing,The SET area is aligned great, but the Where clause…is not. I’d like it to be as the bottom update ( its hard to get it to display correct in this box,basically the where clause to align as with itself not necessarily the with the SET.)

UPDATE Ror_replen_history
SET Qty_sold_cust = L_rec.Qty_sold_cust
,Qty_replen_transfers = L_rec.Qty_sold_transf
WHERE Branch_numbers=L_rec.Replin_cr_branch
AND Erp_product_id =L_rec.Item_number
AND Year = ‘20’ || SUBSTR(L_cal_period_name, 5, 2)
AND Month = SUBSTR(L_cal_period_name, 1, 3);

UPDATE Ror_replen_history
SET Qty_sold_cust = L_rec.Qty_sold_cust
,Qty_replen_transfers = L_rec.Qty_sold_transf
WHERE Branch_numbers = L_rec.Replin_cr_branch
AND Erp_product_id = L_rec.Item_number
AND Year = ‘20’ || SUBSTR(L_cal_period_name, 5, 2)
AND Month = SUBSTR(L_cal_period_name, 1, 3);

After I get this last piece, how/where can I save these setting and just pull back in if I had to reinsall TOAD say on a new PC if this one crashes?

Thanks AJ

We queued the alignment of the condition in the WHERE clause already earlier as issue QP-2115, related to this and this and this. It has not been planned in the near future, but I’ll try to move it a bit closer.
