Morning all,
Unless you're doing math on it, make it a character
I [respectfully] disagree!
An excellent rule to follow.
For certain values of 'excellent'?
Ok, I shall explain. I used to write COBOL programs. Numeric fields in
files could be DISPLAY (ie character) or various forms of binary. (COMP,
A number is a number. It makes not a jot of difference whether it is an
ID, a salary, an age or a telephone number - although they do need
special consideration. So, the correct storage for a number is a numeric
data type.
Phone numbers, even in Excel, have leading zeros. They can cause
problems when the STORAGE format 'loses' them. However, the DISPLAY
format must re-create these leading zeros. So, for example, a phone
number such as 0779 666 6166 can still be stored as a numeric data type,
but displayed as to_char(phone_number, '09999999999').
If I really want the 0779 666 6166 format, I can use
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS and a format of '0999g999g999' instead:
ALTER SESSION set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='. '; -- There's a trailing
space there.
SELECT to_char(07796666166, '0999g999g9999') FROM dual;
0779 666 6166
normally use/have saved previously.
Ok, much mucking around just to get a phone number to format correctly.
However, what about international phone numbers +44 (0)779 666 6166 and
it becomes obvious, that a phone number isn't actually a number. So,
character data it is and the data input screen will (won't it?) have
proper phone number format validation - if required.
Other than phone numbers, I cannot think of any other numeric data that
should be stored as a character string. Your US style SSNs may be
different, but in the UK our NI Numbers are formatted as AA999999A and
are thus, text. For example WK196163A.
My rule, since my very early COBOL days is "always use the correct data
type for all data" and this implies that a number is a number in the
same way that a data is a date and not a string.
Besides, storing data in the "wrong" format can seriously throw the CBO
off the best path.
Norm. [TeamLastDayAtWorkBefore2010]
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